I am in a forest possibly a Leith Hill, in Surrey. I am suddenly surrounded by an army dressed in camouflage and with guns, it is scary but they are friendly and help me find my way out of the forest.
Charlotte Callaghan.

Describe your dream in a simple text in as much detail as you can remember and we will feature your dream for the upcoming performance DREAM RITUAL, artwork creation and DREAM AUCTION. For DREAM AUCTION, the dream submitted will be sold as the text written at the time of submission. Please submit your dream with care. The dream you are contributing should be a dream that you personally have dreamt. Please don’t submit a dream that you don’t want to sell or you have already sold to someone else. If you want to submit your dream for DREAM RITUAL/art creation only but not for sale, simply leave a note '*not for sale'. Then your dream will feature for the performance and art creation but won't be listed on DREAM AUCTION.