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DREAM #211116DAI_GB1

16th November


I found myself in a beautiful field, packed with red poppies, 
there was a light breeze and the sky was deep blue.
While walking, I spotted a rocking chair moving backwards and forwars.
The rocking chair was empty and from there the biggest rainbow started and curved through the sky.

This dream was contributed by Giorgia Parodi Brown on 16th November 2021 for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211116DAI_GB2

16th November


I walked in a dark room with a long oval mirror,
I stood in front of it and there appeared a man glancing back at me.
I had never seen this man before and still I felt I knew him. 
Same height, same age.
He had black silky long hair, a stunning tailored suit, a double-breast coat and a gold pocket watch.
We spoke at lenght and he knew everything about me and me of him.
Then I understood, I was speaking to myself but as a man.

This dream was contributed by Giorgia Parodi Brown on 16th November 2021 for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211116DAI_GB3

16th November


I opened my eyes and found myself on a huge cubic rock  in the middle of the sea.
There were three rocks and I was on the furtherest from the coast.
In the horizon I noticed a beach and jumped into the sea to reach it.
I started bouncing on the sea, the jumps were high and after 3 bounces I reached the beach.
There was just one sunbed there facing the land, rather than the coast.
I noticed there was somone laying there.
I opened my mouth but coulnd't speak, I therefore reached my hand the persons shoulder.
The man turned and it was my father.I opened my eyes and found myself on a huge cubic rock  in the middle of the sea.
There were three rocks and I was on the furtherest from the coast.
In the horizon I noticed a beach and jumped into the sea to reach it.
I started bouncing on the sea, the jumps were high and after 3 bounces I reached the beach.
There was just one sunbed there facing the land, rather than the coast.
I noticed there was somone laying there.
I opened my mouth but coulnd't speak, I therefore reached my hand the persons shoulder.
The man turned and it was my father.

This dream was contributed by Giorgia Parodi Brown on 16th November 2021 for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211108SDM_AA2

8th November


It is daytime and I am London, at this former wasteland which is now entirely a cacophonic, jarring, flashy landscape of clashing buildings with accompanying flat-packed 'precincts' and neighbourhoods which have sprung up seemingly overnight: present-day King's Cross/Coal Drops Yard. It feels an arid, surreal, in-between space, seemingly devoid of humanity except a few people are dispersed across the landscaped slopes of the central park, as if in an architectural rendering or Lego model. I am walking through this park bounded by implacable steel and glass facades on one side and builders' hoardings on another. Young trees are planted in separation from each other, sticking out in their isolation. I notice what appears to be a gigantic, stylised wooden model of a tree which has been sliced in half and is somehow standing upright, although leaning back at a slight angle, as if it is resting against something. This giant toy tree is 10 metres tall and almost as wide, whose schematic roots are virtually the same volume as the modelled branches and foliage. It all resembles one of those simple, brightly painted, elemental cutout wooden figures they give to toddlers - a duck, a dog, a tree; except super-sized. I am unable to fathom what the fake tree is doing there. Nobody seems to be paying it any attention. I feel in some kind of no-man's land, liminal space, not sure what the scene is 'about'.

This dream was contributed by Aladin Aladin on 8th November 2021 during the Social Dreaming Matrix organized by The Tavistock Institute for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211108SDM_AA1

8th November


I am about two years old and we are in Geneva where winters can be very cold. My father is lovingly embracing me.. He looks caringly at my face, with a gentle smile, cupping my head and stroking it sensitively. His hands are warm, kind, reassuring and steady as he himself generally was when he was still alive.

This dream was contributed by Aladin Aladin on 8th November 2021 during the Social Dreaming Matrix organized by The Tavistock Institute for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211108SDM_MK2

8th November





Lucid dream, very powerful. I am connected to an astronaut with a cord, as a guardian angel or (invisible) twin of a person. The astronaut is in space and about to run out of oxygen. I cannot do anything. We are connected by a tube, as if I were his oxygen tank. In this situation there is nothing I can do, I just give him my last breath, I know it is not oxygen but carbon dioxide - I am breathing out. I start to suffocate. There is no more oxygen. It's cold.


Later, same night. A derivative of this dream: a film that was made about it.

This dream was contributed by Monika Kostera on 8th November 2021 during the Social Dreaming Matrix organized by The Tavistock Institute for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211108SDM_MK1

8th November



snow, mountain, (not) alone


I am somewhere North. I want to take the opportunity to explore the wilder areas. In one place there's a big mountain, a snow slide, in a valley of snow. I grab onto the previous person, they are sliding down as a long chain of human bodies, one after the other. They are talking to each other on the way about everyday things. We are going terribly fast. I think about the fact that this way I'm not afraid at all, that I don't have to break to slow down like when I'm on a bike, because I'm with this whole group of people, we go down terribly fast together. I think there's a big beautiful view there on the spot, like from a big mountain.

This dream was contributed by Monika Kostera on 8th November 2021 during the Social Dreaming Matrix organized by The Tavistock Institute for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211104SDM_AB1

4th October


I am walking in an Ocean, the water comes up to my knees, it is shallow but it should be deep that far from the coast. It is sunset and the sky is clear. The water is very calm and appears oily. As I look towards the horizon, I can see a giant tower far away, situated in the middle of the ocean towards the left. The tower is white, square and very tall. Its walls are covered with little black dots. It is impossible to know from a distance if it is a building, with windows or a gigantic sound tower speaker with sound diffusion points. Suddenly, the tower falls from left to right in slow motion. The impact with the water provokes an earthquake.

This dream was contributed by Agnes Berthoz on 4th November 2021 during the Social Dreaming Matrix organized by The Tavistock Institute for Dream Auction project, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #211018DAO_A1

18th October


I dreampt I was in India and I went to a danish reception where Prince William and Kate were attending an official reception. Later when I left I saw Kate leaving on her own as she had free time. I spoke to her and suggested we go and visit some underground cattacoms. She was very enthusiastic and went to change. She came back wearing oale blue dungerees. After our visit we went to a cafe and had some indian cakes with lots of people and Kate was so happy.

This dream was contributed online annonymously on 18th October 2021 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #211018DAO_A2

18th October


I drempt I was in Japan. I was with my partner and he was there with his job which was a corporate or diplomatic role. I was studying at university in Japan. I went in with my partner to my university room which was very tiny and white with a set of bunkbeds, mine was the one at the bottom. The shower was directly behind the bunkbeds so when it was on every thing would get we but it was a very nice room. Then we got in a saloon car and drove to where my partner's house was and were driven by a driver. As we drove we hit a waterlogged road which we drove through and the water was upto the windows so we had to close the windows to stop getting wet. When we arrived at my partners house it was a small enclave with trees and moss and small houses and one of our neighbours was there to welcome us. It was a very beautiful, calm, spiratual and gentle place

This dream was contributed online annonymously on 18th October 2021 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #211018DAO_A3

18th October


I dreampt I was travelleing around and was a standin musician for a rock bank. When I was on stage in front of hundreds of people I had to wear a "L" template (like when you learn to drive a car) as I was new on stage. At the same time I was also studying for my exams and had my maths exam in between shows so had to study algebra and how to solve equations.

This dream was contributed online annonymously on 18th October 2021 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190304DAW_BS1

4th March


I’m looking down at a classroom. A girl is playing the cello.

It seems like a music school class.  She plays the cello so beautifully.

All of her class mates as well as a western female teacher are looking at her.

They all wonder how she can play the cello so well.

She normally plays the violin. Her fingers touch the strings and vibrate creating an amazing melody.

After finishing the song she said

"I was thinking of a story about ..."

(i cannot remember but i think it was an old classic film title)

"The man that i was thinking of was..."

(i think it was an old actor’s name).

The teacher’s eyes became red, full of emotion and I felt like crying too.

She is now in a studio in a factory area.

She is moulding a geometrical shape - a square and a sphere architectural shape using a chemical mix. A musician friend arrives and she teaches him how to mould the same shape on the next table.

She realized that the mix that she used was wrong and it would make a fire.

I saw the smoke and made sure my friend is safe, I called the emergency services and I am suddenly driving a car, I can now see my hands on a handle and I realised that she was me/I was her.

I arrived at the factory entrance where the studio is.

The fire had been caught and people had gathered to watch.

I talked to a fire officer.

She smiled and told me

“Everything was good.”

This dream was contributed online by Bongsu Park on 4th March 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #210204DAW_BP1

4th February 2021

I was walking through a busy building and I entered a room where a white tiger was dead. I stepped back and I realised that there is a tiny baby tiger on the floor. I wanted to leave the room but the baby tiger cried and I could see this baby tiger was starving. The baby tiger was tiny and I could put him in a bento box with some food.


I went out of the building and walked up to the small ramp. There were people waiting with guns. I approached one of them. I cannot remember what we were talking about exactly but he or maybe she explained to me how things work. I remember that I was amazed about how we can understand each other by using different kind of language. I think they were not human, maybe elf.


After the talk I ran to the hill with excitement and shouted at them ‘please shoot me with one shot’ and then I saw all black and all sound muted. I was waking up from the dream and I thought I have to start again.

from my dream diary on 8th April 2020


This dream was contributed online by Bongsu Park on 4th February 2021 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #200618WDW_MB1

18th June


I had to go home, crossing the mountain with a jeep. We drove along a torrent, and I noticed fishes, first a couple of them, but the more I looked the more fishes there were. They were piling up on one another, some of them out of the water because there were too many of them. As we moved further uphill, there were now two rivers, one on each side of the road, and the fishes transformed into much bigger animals, giant birds. I thought I was seeing horses in the water, but they were white flamingos, their wings spread on the road. We had to ride over their wings to pass. Once on the top of the mountain, we saw a bison. The driver said we had to be careful, because the bison would become angry if it noticed us. It did notice us, and started to chase us. We drove as fast as we could, but I could hear the sound of its hooves coming closer and closer as we drove towards the horizon.


This dream was contributed by Marie Beauchamps on 18th June 2020 during the workshop 'Working with Dreams' a program for Deepening Creative Practice - The Tavistock Institutue of Human Relations. DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #200721DAW_CC1

21st July


I’m part of a special investigation team and we have just solved a case. It’s Sunday and we have a day to while away the day in the hotel before we travel by train to our next case at 9pm.

We are in a big room where the team are doing their own thing. I go back to my room to do my final packing. Then I see something suspicious and it’s a criminal mastermind. I catch them and find a phone that has a secret channel to another seriously dangerous criminal mastermind and I secretly spy on them through that.

Later on I go with someone else into the lift. We have a problem entering and exiting. Finally, we get out and the sight at the back of the hotel is breathtakingly beautiful, it is almost impossible to describe in words. The light is incredible, reds, mauves, aubergines, and yellows, a combination of the light and the flowers and the foliage and grasses. Suddenly I am looking at the water and as I try to take a photo it is full of dolphins and I cry out to tell everyone. I look again and see these strangely beautiful silvery fish a combination of flying fish and sword fish filling the waves. Next I see penguins swimming through the waves. All too soon it goes dark and I am in awe of what I have just seen.


This dream was contributed online by Charlotte Callaghan on 21st July 2020 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 


22nd June


In light of my faint memory of a dream, I just took a rest, sitting on the couch and then, suddenly, I witnessed that the floor of the living room was shaken and a small crack occurred. There was a shovel next to me and I started using it to wreck the living room floor. As a result of constantly digging the floor, there was a brown bottle shaped like Korean pottery. As I opened the pottery, there was a golden snake, illuminating the entire jar. Even if I was afraid whether the snake could bite me or not but I kept having it for a while illuminating the living room.


This dream was contributed online by Hye Lim Son on 22nd June 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190403DAW_HL1

3rd April


I am in a garden, my hands in earth where lots of bulbs are growing. Some show above the surface, but many more are beneath it. The soil is wet. I am planting or transplanting something. I’m happy to tend this garden even though I know I’ll be moving soon. I am planting some things in pots so I can take them with me. I’m using the good compost, from Kew.



This dream was contributed online by Hazel Riley on 3rd April 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190621DAW_SC1

21st June


The atmosphere is dark blue and I happen to be sitting in my old apartment where I used to live as a child.I realize the river begins to move like a wave in ocean, then I walk up to the window to see two gigantic planes crashing with each other and slowly falling apart into pieces.  The whole crash happens slowly in front of my eyes, as I see two large steel cylinders broken into pieces.  Then even before these debris hit the water, the river starts moving and create one big tsunami and hits at the lower floors of the apt where i am standing.  I turn away and start running the other way from the waves, but feels the shaking of the floor. Then I wake up.



This dream was contributed online by Soohyun Change on 21st June 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190612DAW_BP1

12th June


There was a big tree in the middle of my back garden. The tree was special and I could see the light and energy diffusing out. I approached closely and I had to lower my body to pass the archway in my garden. When my head was down below I could see a naked body crouching inside of the tree. I woke up from the dream but with my half sleepy head my memory jumped to the moment when I was inside of big tree in Hampstead heath.


After the talk I ran to the hill with excitement and shouted at them ‘please shoot me with one shot’ and then I saw all black and all sound muted. I was waking up from the dream and I thought I have to start again.



This dream was contributed online by Bongsu Park on 12th June 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190531KCC_JB1

31st May


I’m in a costal town in Borneo, Indonesia. Towers of corrugated metal shack type buildings on stilts lining the edge of a white sandy beach, running 400/500 meters, stopping at the headland. There is a wooden jetty sitting on top of a ditch of murky water, running between the beach and buildings. On the building side of the jetty are ground floor market stool/shop type things. The jetty shops are busy with locals doing moving/ shopping.

I’m walking up and down the jetty asking people where I can catch the ferry to ? I see a ferry, I’m debating with people about whether it goes to where I’m going or not. Eventually, I get on the ferry, a medium long boat, with about 20 locals on it, and a captain/driver. Just as its moving off I ask someone where its going and I jump off and they reply “Australia”.

I quickly jump into the water and swim to the shore.

*I can’t remember*

Suddenly a tsunami is approaching, everyone is panicking and there is no where to go!



This dream was contributed by James Brown during the workshop ‘Dreams and Dreaming  - Their Place in Our Lives’ at the Korean Cultural Centre, London on 31st May 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #180925DAW_GM1

25th September 2018

I dreamed of hovering 2 metres above the ground and then shooting up and down and forwards and backwards by my own will. I just had to think it and then my body did it. I had a lovely free feeling. I was totally in control. I could move in any way l liked, but l kept coming back to the hovering position again and again. My arms were just hanging normally by my sides.

The place where this was happening was incredibly beautiful and sparkling with crystal light. There were magnificent fields of rich green and trees and birds and animals which all seemed happy. I was in a state of rapture.



This dream was contributed online by Gary Manton on 25th September 2018 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #181005DAW_BH1

5th October


I had a dream last week that there was a fox in my bed. She was my friend and meant me no harm. She came to live with me because the woodland was getting too hot. In the morning the fox baked bread made from acorns and dead leaves. It was delicious. I don't know the fox's name, she never told me. Then she vanished. She left behind some tiny, tiny shells.



This dream was contributed online by Bullardhope on 5th October 2018 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190403DAW_HL2

3rd April


I am on holiday. I find some old jewellery which has been discarded in the street. There is a jewellery shop nearby, but they sell, bright modern things and I think they may have thrown out some old stock, which is lying in the sand on the street. I gather it up. It is the sort of costume jewellery I sold on my stall. I get a few things including a Nefertiti brooch, which is silver/tin and a good one.  Perhaps I am in Egypt which has this mix of city and desert/sand/unpaved or dirty streets, because I remind myself to look carefully at the buildings around, as I am in Egypt, and know this is precious time.



This dream was contributed online by Hazel Riley on 3rd April 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #191203DAW_CC1

3rd December 2019

I dreamt I had flown up to Alaska and met a guy who had heard about this opportunity to build a go kart racing track and then he would be able to mine for gold around it.


I went to the site with him and sat in the sand with his puppy who was 2 months old and was smaller than the size of my palm and looked like a lion. Then we went to meet the owner in his home. When we left my shoes had gone missing so I had to take another pair. We then went to this guys's parents house (the one who was planning the gold mine) and I was expected to cook dinner for the whole family.


I was trying to pack and his mother kept asking me to write the menu and telling me that she had chopped the veg. I finally got into the kitchen and there were plates for each person with some different food on it. Each person wanted something different so I used magic to create the dish. First the baby wanted a cake in the shape of a policeman's helmet. So I concentrated hard and used magic to create it. However I was sad as I wouldn't eat because I couldn't use magic to make myself dinner. Then I used magic to create a salad for the grandmother. Then I woke up.


This dream was contributed online by Charlotte Callaghan on 3rd December 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #201203SDM_BP1

3rd December 2020

A long dream, I remember fragments. I'm in Korea or Thailand with my family. We were on holiday. I remember the room - a hospital-like hotel. The room had only one bed for a patient. When we went out for dinner, I realised that I gave birth and I left the baby in the room. I called the reception to make sure the baby was OK. I went back to the room immediately, the baby was safe and sleeping in a box on the bed. I took the box to my grandmother’s old house. Opening the box, there were two cats, I thought there was one cat but another smaller cat inside. We stroked the cats and I woke up.


This dream was contributed by Bongsu Park on 3rd December 2020 during the 9th Social Dreaming Matrix of Deepening Creative Practice, a program from The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park, facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #201203SDM_BP2

3rd December 2020

I was in an old big house with a group of people.

I remember people in a small box - smaller than my palm, old furniture, window and discoloured curtain.

For some reason we had to hide, I think it was during war.

I was hiding people inside furniture everywhere when they became small.

There were four members of a family, I took a wooden handle out and hid them deep inside the old sofa.



This dream was contributed by Bongsu Park on 3rd December 2020 during the 9th Social Dreaming Matrix of Deepening Creative Practice, a program from The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park, facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190531KCC_SC1

31st May


I got into an elevator and realised the buttons were faulty. Suddenly the elevator began speeding up. It seemed to go outside the shaft and travelled somewhere quite far. Once the door opened, a huge hangar stood in front of me. Scared to step out, I stepped back into the elevator and had leave myself travel somewhere unknown again.



This dream was contributed by Soohyun Chang during the workshop ‘Dreams and Dreaming  - Their Place in Our Lives’ at the Korean Cultural Centre, London on 31st May 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #181005DAW_HL1

Four scenes. 



I have a lodger, possibly Japanese.  She has placed lots of toys around my home but when I look more closely I realise these include 4 brown dogs, all different shapes but all the same rich shade. There’s a mask on the wall.  



I meet an American woman who is here to research her family. She has 4 white dogs. Again, I see one, then two, three, four. All are different.  



I am interviewing a writer, who I think is Kurt Vonnegut, in his hotel room.  He has 4 pale honey coloured dogs. We are putting jeans and socks back on, getting ready to leave. I don’t know why or how we are both minus clothing and it seems a strange coincidence.  



I am in an interesting boutique (possibly in Cardiff) with moss green walls. I suddenly see a humming bird has flown in. It’s very beautiful and magical, but then I worry about where it will find food. The shop has lovely things, but no nectar.



This dream was contributed online by Hazel Riley on 5th October 2018 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks.

DREAM #190202DAW_PM1

2nd February 2019

Last night's dream...

I ordered a package to be delivered, but I wasn’t at home so I arranged for it to be sent to the local primary school. 

I went to collect the package and could see it on the teacher’s desk, but they were in the middle of a lecture by an old man and they closed the doors so I couldn’t go in. 

I wandered around a city and ended up at a theatre with a giant teddy bear covered in red hearts sitting outside. The show had already started and I could see inside to the massive auditorium. There was a stage in the distance and an audience watching the show. The. Behind the audience there was another stage and another audience watching that. The  actors and puppets on both stages were singing and dancing together. 

I walked into a building, into some kind of exhibition and a little kid was being bullied by a teenager. The teenager was making anti-Semitic remarks to the kid. I started arguing with the teenager as we walked, but he continued to taunt me and the kid. 

Suddenly we were walking in a field and the teenager pulled out a sword and wanted to fight. I disarmed him and took the sword for myself. Suddenly his friend appeared and they both had weapons of all kinds. I fought them, beating them and saving the kid. 

I returned to the school and the doors were open. I was welcomed by the kids and teachers and by a kitten who knew me (the little brother of my own cats). I picked up my package and was told it was the teacher's birthday. She had made a cake with ingredients from Spain. 

The cake was inside a cloak and when she ripped the cloak apart it revealed a gorgeous multi-coloured cake with intricate shell patterns and giant black whiskers sticking up out of it. The whiskers were made of liquorice and everyone quickly took one each. I ate one and it was delicious. We cut the cake and it was revealed to be a lamb and liquorice cake. We all ate. 

Then I woke up.



This dream was contributed online by Paul Matthew on 2nd February 2019 as part of DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park. This project facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190617NBI_A2

17th of June 2019

I had a dream that I was on a train (I recognized it, it was a sort of London commuter train) but it was going nowhere. There was no destination, I was just on this train. But instead of having the dirty old seats that you normally have it was a really comfortable seat.


This dream was contributed anonymously during Bongsu Park's interview with Nikki Bedi for the BBC Radio London - Nikki Bedi sits in for Jo, 17th of June 2019. DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park, facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #190617NBI_A1

17th of June 2019

Many years ago I had the most vivid of dreams. I was going through probably the worst period of my life. I very rarely have such periods. My dream was that I fell down on a seemingly bottomless pit - Alice in Wonderland style. I looked down as I fell and I saw a light in the distance. As I fell closer I noticed the light was actually a giant soft white hand. And I landed in its palm without a scratch or a bruise, and it saved me.



This dream was contributed anonymously during Bongsu Park's interview with Nikki Bedi for the BBC Radio London - Nikki Bedi sits in for Jo, 17th of June 2019. DREAM AUCTION, a project by Bongsu Park, facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 

DREAM #210521DGU_003

21st of May 2019

I spent the whole day with my favorite pop star, who was contemplatory moving to the city I live in. We had dinner at a really flashy restaurant and then he came to one of my classes. I wondered if we were friends. 

This dream was contributed during the Dreamers' Gathering exhibition at Post Territory Ujeongguk in Seoul, South Korea on 21st May 2021. Bongsu Park's project DREAM AUCTION facilitates the Korean practice of buying and selling dreams, reflecting on the intimate exchanges embedded in traditions and interpersonal networks. 




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